Psi Upsilon Fraternity; member since 2010

Positions held:

  • Undergraduate Advisory Board: Out of almost two thousand undergraduate members only two are chosen each year to sit on the Alumni Executive council, I was one of those two. Our position on the council was not only to learn but also offer our valued opinion as undergraduates. This enhanced my time management, interpersonal skills and professional etiquette knowledge.

  • House Manager: This role involved the recruitment of 37 tenants a semester as well as acting as house accountant, coordinating facility maintenance, and employing food service personnel. Strong communication and leadership skills were required to meet the demands of this role.

  • Treasurer: This position required me to deal with all finances of the fraternities social expenses. Duties involved collecting dues from every member, maintaining records of all purchases, organizing the available parking spaces, and repaying all brothers that made purchases. This required tedious financial management, interpersonal, and communication skills.

  • Philanthropy Chair: In my time in this position I went above and beyond and created a signature event called Psi U Think You Can Dance in support of Right to Play and a secondary event called Mo Flips in support of the Movember Foundation. Duties entailed obtaining sponsorship's, competitors, attendees, hosts and all other logistical aspects of planning and execution.

Order of Omega; Member since 2013 

Position held:

  • Social Officer: This position entailed organizing social events, from bar nights to lunch meetings, and small gatherings at various venues. Organizing with the venue, and obtaining food and drinks for smaller events were tasks that I did. This required communication and organizational skills.

Powell River Gymnastics & Cheer; 2015-2016

Positions held:

  • Vice President

Golden Key Society; member since 2010