Powell River

  • Many of my own experiences on sporting teams was only possible thanks to volunteers. As such, I have volunteered at many sporting events, through refereeing, helping organizing events and/or teams, or even simply setting up.

  • The Bruce Denniston Society is an organization that puts on various charity events to benefit the local community. From marathons to children’s events, their efforts requires volunteer support from the community, which is something I provided whenever I was able. I am constantly working with a variety of new faces and interacting with many people.


  • As Philanthropy Chair for my fraternity, I went above and beyond what the position entailed and created a signature event called Psi U Think You Can Dance in support of Right to Play and a secondary event called Mo Flips in support of the Movember Foundation. Duties entailed obtaining sponsorships, competitors, attendees, hosts and all other logistical aspects of planning and execution.

  • Moving to UBC on the first day is a huge step and one that the volunteers try to make easier. I volunteered to help move all first years into their new rooms for 3 years in a row. This requires one to be able to work with others and communicate well with the new students to make them excited for the upcoming year.

  • Through my fraternity I have participated in a variety of volunteering events. These include; spending time with visually disabled children, helping at food banks, helping at soup kitchens, participating in beach clean ups, contributing to and participating in other fraternity and sorority fundraisers, and much more.


  • Through the organization Help, Learn and Discover, my group and I raised funds through charity events in order to build houses for a small village in Ecuador. We then paid for our flights and accommodations out of our own pockets and traveled there to physically build the houses and offer hope and inspiration to the underprivileged in the area

Ecuador group shot.jpg