The Value of Getting Your Hands Dirty

This past year I have tried my hand at roofing, plumbing, tiling, and more. Have you ever been boots on the ground on a construction site or tried performing your own renovations? Reflecting on my own experiences, I was fortunate to grow up watching and helping my father renovate our entire house. My recent renovation endeavors prompted me to reflect on the importance and benefits of having experienced being a labourer on a construction site and self performing work. As 2024 begins, let's explore the profound impact firsthand experience can have on a Project Managers position and experiences. 

Bridging Plans with Reality: The Operations Team's Hands-On Advantage

In the realm of construction, the operations team serves as the backbone of project execution, transforming intricate blueprints into tangible structures. While strategic oversight and logistical coordination are undeniably crucial, there's a distinct value in operations team members having hands-on experience on construction sites.

Learning From the Ground Up

My journey in construction began early, helping my father during our house renovation. Climbing ladders, hammering nails, and meticulously measuring – these are some of the lessons that shaped my understanding of the field.  I have also experienced the toll tasks can take on your body, whether that is a scorching day on a roof or on your knees all day laying flooring. Today, as a project manager, those early experiences continue to inform my decisions, offering a unique perspective that rises above the theoretical. In no way am I a professional at any trade but I have a good understanding of what a job takes.

The Synergy of Practical Knowledge and Strategic Oversight

Strategic thinking and practical know-how need not exist in isolation. Project managers with on-site experience bring a blend of contractual, financial, and real-world viewpoints to the table. This blended perspective facilitates a smoother alignment between the strategic vision and the practicalities of execution.



Key Benefits of On-Site Experience

1. Empathy and Team Integration:

Having been on site and getting my hands dirty has helped me empathize with the challenges faced on-site. Understanding physical strain and environmental factors fosters a stronger sense of camaraderie, breaking down the office vs site mentality. Building trust with the site team creates a collaborative environment where everyone's input is valued.

2. Informed Decision-Making:

Undertaking trades work firsthand provides an advantageous perspective, allowing for more informed decision-making in project planning, resource allocation, and problem-solving. Troubleshooting on-site, drawing from personal experiences, is a game-changer in maintaining schedules and building relationships with superintendents and subtrades.

3. Client Communication:

Enhanced insight into construction realities enables effective communication with clients. Explaining the reasons behind scheduling, why multiple visits by trades are required, and pricing considerations builds trust. Additionally, real world experience gained thru personal renovations offers insights that can guide clients early on, preventing costly changes later.

4. Adaptability in a Changing Landscape:

The dynamic nature of the construction industry requires adaptability. Personal hands-on experience equips project managers to better navigate evolving trends and technologies, ensuring continued relevance in a shifting landscape.

Leading by Example

Operations team members that have taken time away from a desk and got their hands dirty exemplify leadership by example, communicating a commitment to the craft that inspires confidence among team members. This leadership style cultivates a culture of dedication and excellence.



In the realm of construction operations, the value of on-site and hands-on experience and cannot be overstated. Operations team members, specifically Project Managers, who have walked the construction path, both professionally and personally, bring a unique blend of practical wisdom, empathy, and hands-on knowledge to the table. This combination not only enhances their own professional growth but also contributes to the success of the entire operations team and, ultimately, the broader goals of the construction projects they undertake. To all operations team members, continue to embrace the value of hands-on experience—it's the foundation upon which successful construction endeavors are built.